Fruit and Vegetable dendrometerer sensor
( Details about VIC On Farm-IoT Trial program)
Item name: Fruit and Vegetable dendrometer
Catalogue number: PUTD-FRUIT-DF
Feature description:
Fruit and Vegetable dendrometer sensor is a fully automated/wireless data transmitted dendrometer developed with advanced IoT technologies, as well as sophisticated sensors and advanced electronic designs.
This sensor will work with PUTD IOT Technology’s Smart Agriculture Device to form site test appliance. By uploading data through wireless network, this combination will be further working with our cloud base IOT software platform(PUTD DSS) to provide the data view of continuous changes of the size of planting fruit and vegetable.
Smart Agriculture Device
This is the hardware platform which at one end interfaces with variety of industrial sensors for agriculture (plant fruit dendrometer in this application) to collect field data and at the other end adopting one of radio connectivity systems to exchange the information with application software resides in data centre. (Details)

Fruit and Vegetable dendrometer sensor:

Fruit Dendrometer, DF1
The Fruit and Vegetable Dendrometer is the special dendrometer version for measurements on circular fruiting bodies. The fruit in the measuring frame is firmly fixed without affecting its growth. The frame sustains the weight of the target and relives the peduncle. This sensor(DF1) is from German company Ecomatik. We had adopted several types dendrometer sensors to form our IoT based plant testing solution. We can still choose suitable sensors to fit your diverse plant test requirements.

Continuously collect the data of the fruit size during the season to help to
Understand the growth status verse time
Compare the status with common experienced or industrial proven "curves" over time or across blocks/regions, to get the idea of our fruit growth status, thus take proper actions
Help to understand what and how those related farm environmental factors and actions have the influence on fruit size